Cognitive Science Group
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The lab is located in the Instituto de Investigaciones Psicológicas, Córdoba, Argentina. An interdisciplinary workspace, we work in the interface between cognitive psychology, neuroscience and computation, to study several aspects of human cognition.
Here is our Twitter and Instagram.

We currently have three main research lines:

1) States of consciousness, both typical (awake state, sleep) and altered (sedation, vegetative state, psychedelic states). We use neuroimaging to characterize them and to predict patient's recovery, when including patients. We also do whole brain modeling to study the brain dynamics under different conditions.

2) Confidence and visual metacognition, or how much do we know about what we know. We conduct psychophysical experiments in the lab and online, sometimes including eyetracking measurements, and bayesian models of behavior.

3) Attention and its subsistems. We use EEG and transcraneal electrical stimulation to study the neural networks related to (the lack of) attention.
